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The Secret to Making Better Decisions

Lisa Marie Platske • Aug 01, 2017


How can you start making better decisions? Decisions that will shine the light on your value and brilliance? Realize that the world needs you.

When I was in my teens, it was as if the earth opened and swallowed me up.


The real me.

And, somehow I was replaced with an imitation.

Just like in the art world, the replica of me was less valuable because it wasn’t the authentic, original creation.

Or, at least that is what it felt like.

Despite being smart and having a few (I didn’t have many) great friends, I didn’t always make the best decisions for my life.

I made choices from what felt like an out-of-body experience where I would do and say things and then think, “That’s not me….”

After a poor decision would come a heaping of guilt and shame, creating a vicious cycle of self-pity.

On my journey, it took a l-o-n-g time to not feel as if I was the sum total of all of my mistakes.

……To realize that the world needed me – the real me – to make the difference only I could make with my unique talents, gifts, and abilities.

What shifted was when I realized just how much I actually had to be grateful for in my life.

When you spend time praising and thanking, you can’t feel sorry for yourself.

Making Better Decisions - Upside Thinking

  • You remember how your co-worker said just what you needed to hear after you just found out that you lost your Mom
  • You remember how you got every green light so you wouldn’t be late for your important meeting
  • You remember how the woman at the grocery store complimented you on the day when you were feeling like you should have stayed in bed.
  • You see the world through a clearer lens.

It’s only then that you’re able to see the struggles that others are facing.

You get clarity on the difference between real problems and minor inconveniences.

[easy-tweet tweet=”Get clarity on the difference between real problems and minor inconveniences” user=”UpsideThinking” hashtags=”leadership” template=”light”]

Because of this, you’re able to give focus and attention to others and how you might be of support and/or service vs. focusing solely on your perceived situation.

You then find ways to pass on your grace and mercy.

Whether it’s in your home, your favorite restaurant, or in a country far from where you live, there are people who need you to love and believe in them.

This can seem daunting.

Who am I? What can I do?

But when you see others in need, it changes and softens us when we are connected.

This doesn’t have to be a monumental task.

Making Better Decisions

Start with one thing.

  • Pick up the phone. Call a friend.
  • Smile.
  • Buy the person after you a coffee at Starbucks.

The simple act of praising and thanking all that you have will enable you to pay attention to what is most important to you and make better decisions.

Action Item: Making Better Decisions - Lisa Marie Platske 

The Upside Challenge of the week is to choose one thing that you will do to reach out and support someone else. It’s the best thing to keep you from wallowing in self-pity with where you are vs. where you want to be.

The world needs you and your brilliance.

By Lisa Marie Platske 03 Jun, 2024
One of my greatest desires is to have ease in all areas of my life, which is why I've done thousands of hours of research on tangible, implementable tools. At the Upside Summit, I speak about Covey's Time Management Matrix and refer to the Eisenhower Matrix, one of the greatest prioritizing tools out there. Both are essential for living out your divine mission as this tool can save you time and give you clarity. Most folks struggle with setting their priority for the day in the short term, and figuring out what they want in their life for the long-term journey. That's why we spend a 1/2 a day on Pillar #4 at the Upside Summit so you can dive into what it looks like as a leader living your priority. When you don't choose wisely, you can waste your precious minutes on mundane activities and petty distractions. To invest your time and energy on what matters most, you've got to live what is important, not urgent. Too often, folks get sucked into things that are neither, like social media, multitasking, and watching videos, not because they don't understand what's urgent (time-sensitive) or important (of the greatest value). Where do you need direction on how to handle your to-do list differently? That's the value of the Eisenhower Matrix: 1. Urgent and important: FOCUS on getting these tasks done because they are time-sensitive. 2. Important, not urgent: SCHEDULE them today so that they have a spot on your calendar—don't put them off because they tie into your divine mission. 3. Urgent, not important: DELEGATE, outsource, or automate so that you aren't working on them. 4. Not important, not urgent: AVOID these tasks. Simply don’t do them. It's been 50+ years since this matrix was introduced, and these four principles are just as valuable today as they were back then. As you live your priority, you build a bridge from your divine mission to your daily actions. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to apply the Eisenhower Matrix to your to-do list. Make a full list of all the tasks, projects and commitments on your plate currently - both personal and professional. And then decide what will you choose to: - focus on, - schedule, - delegate, and - avoid this week? The goal is to ensure you are investing your precious time and energy into what truly advances your divine mission and priorities. Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance. Now more than ever.
By Lisa Marie Platske 27 May, 2024
It was 1981 and "Under Pressure" by Bowie and Queen climbed the charts. Maybe you weren't born, or maybe you remember the words; either way, the message still rings true. There are external pressures that influence your identity, your lifestyle, and your values. When you neglect to heed the tiny whispers of your soul, your inner guidance, what I feel is a nudge from God, you may find yourself disconnected from what matters most to you. It's like you forget who you are and do things solely because you feel it's what is expected of you: ~ By your family ~ By your friends ~ By the world This disconnection creates a sense of unhappiness, and most folks can't put their finger on why. It's a chronic ache that just won't go away. Freedom isn't a destination; it's a pathway. When you chase freedom, it will lead to unfulfillment. I'm practical and work with leaders who want to be productive - AND - integrated in their faith walk. That means spending time in the 'Messy Unknown.' Yet there is a way to reduce the internal pressure. When you tune into Divine wisdom, you align with the deepest part of your being. This connection to your vocation takes pressure off of you as you live your life with integrity. And this alignment allows you to cultivate a life filled with purpose, well-being, and joy and happiness. Yet how do you do this?!? When folks feel stagnant or dissatisfied with something in their life, I tell them the first place to begin is to practice the power of the pause - and just listen. While that sounds a bit weird, most folks are so busy they don't hear or see what's right in front of them. When you follow your internal compass, the destination is: 》health, 》happiness, 》success, and 》meaning ... ... and greater joy than you ever imagined. To further develop your ability to listen to this voice, get out in nature. That's one of the greatest benefits living on the farm has given me. And why I recently went on a retreat for myself. It's also why I offer 4 of these every year as part of the Upside Thinking programming and offerings. You just may be surprised by what you hear when you are quiet enough to actually listen. Remember, the World Needs You and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to get honest about where you feel misaligned. Where do you notice areas of dissonance or misalignment? (This is a great exercise for the workplace.) Are you taking actions at the cost of your own needs? Going through motions based on "shoulds"? Make note of those. Have an honest conversation with yourself or someone you trust about 1-2 of those misalignments and identify what you can do to live with greater integrity.
By Lisa Marie Platske 20 May, 2024
I'm not interested in "playing it safe." It's why I never liked someone asking me about my "realistic" goal(s). Comfort and realism, I've found, will never truly bring happiness. They might offer temporary solace, but in the long run, they can lead to a sense of stagnation. And it will have you fall asleep and miss your life. I've always believed that to truly thrive, one must be willing to embrace struggle and adventure. It's through facing challenges head-on, pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible, that we discover our true strength and depth. That's why I'm grateful for what I got being raised by a single mom who struggled because my daddy didn't take care of his financial responsibilities. She lived paycheck to paycheck, often struggling to make ends meet, wanting to give us the best life possible. You're never going to find meaning in your comfort zone. You need risk and pushing out your growth edges to engage the depths of your Soul. Research shows that the difficulty and seeming impossibility of our goals can actually increase our likelihood of achieving them. Think about it - no one talks about taking a leisurely stroll around the block every day. Instead, they proudly share stories of conquering ultramarathons or scaling the heights of Everest. It's the courageous goals, the ones that push us to our limits and beyond, that light our passion and drive. Risk stirs fear, frustration, doubt, and perhaps even discouragement. It is like a siren call to rise to the challenge before you, a challenge that will help you remember you can do hard things and you are capable of far more than we often give ourselves credit for. And in rising to meet the challenge, we not only prove our resilience but also discover a deeper understanding of our own capabilities. We all carry within us a narrative - stories of who we are, who we're not, what we can do, and what we can't. And every day presents an opportunity to reinvent ourselves, to push yourself to new heights every single day. So, I urge you - don't play life safe. Dare to dream big, to set courageous goals that scare and excite you in equal measure. It will lead you to new places, better ones even. Because comfort doesn't change the world. And the world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week to get clear on your own personal courageous goal that ignites your passion. Think about what it would mean to set a ‘summit’ goal for yourself in your life or in your work right now. Imagine an experience or achievement going significantly beyond the next level. Next, imagine a picture of what this would mean – what would achieving this goal look like, feel like, what would it mean to you and to those around you, and excite yourself about it. Make sure to share this goal with at least one or two people you trust to hold you accountable, whether it’s your significant other, a close friend, or a family member. Simply saying it out loud helps, and creates opportunities for you to gather insights from them as well. Remember, don't play life safe, because comfort doesn't change the world.
By Lisa Marie Platske 13 May, 2024
You have a Divine mission that is all yours – a unique purpose that is yours alone to fulfill. This mission is not something that can be stumbled upon by chance or achieved through mindless activity. It requires a laser-like focus, a willingness to channel every ounce of our time, energy, and resources toward what matters most. Yet today modern day conveniences have most folks fooled into thinking they are taking action, when really they're distracted doing lots of busy work that makes them feel a little like they are accomplishing stuff. They're really just circling around on a hamster wheel. I've been there. And I know that choosing where to invest your time, energy, and money require unwavering focus on what matters most. When we align ourselves with this Divine mission, something remarkable happens. We move with purpose and clarity, cutting through the noise and distractions that once held us back. ~ Your progress accelerates, ~ Your results compound. ~ Your success becomes inevitable. But how do we discover this mission? How do we gain the clarity and focus required to pursue it with dedication? The first step is to decide what you're truly willing to dive deeply for – what cause or passion ignites your soul and demands your full commitment. Once you've identified this, the path becomes clear: 1. Choice : Consciously choosing to prioritize your Divine mission above all else. 2. Direction : Charting a course that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations. 3. Commitment : Having a steadfast determination to see your mission through, no matter the obstacles. 4. Consistent action: Taking purposeful, focused steps every day, building momentum and compounding progress. Rinse and repeat, allowing this cycle to become your way of life, your guiding force. The best leaders get this. They understand that true greatness is not born from aimless activity but from a relentless pursuit of what matters most. If you find yourself feeling fuzzy or uncertain about your Divine mission, know that you are not alone. My door is always open to those seeking to discover their brilliance and make a lasting impact on the world. Remember the world needs you – your unique gifts, your passion, and your unwavering commitment to your Divine mission. The questions is, will you answer the call? ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to ruthlessly prioritize and align your time and energy towards your Divine mission. Start by asking what cause or passion ignites your soul and demands your full commitment. Next, make an audit on how you currently invest your time, money and energy. Identify which of these actively support and accelerate your divine mission and which are misaligned distractions circling the hamster wheel? Then, take steps to ruthlessly cut out or deprioritize anything not aligned with your mission. Double down your focus on the few core mission-critical areas. Remember true impact comes not from aimless activity, but ruthlessly devoting yourself to your unique world-shifting purpose.
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By Lisa Marie Platske 03 Jun, 2024
One of my greatest desires is to have ease in all areas of my life, which is why I've done thousands of hours of research on tangible, implementable tools. At the Upside Summit, I speak about Covey's Time Management Matrix and refer to the Eisenhower Matrix, one of the greatest prioritizing tools out there. Both are essential for living out your divine mission as this tool can save you time and give you clarity. Most folks struggle with setting their priority for the day in the short term, and figuring out what they want in their life for the long-term journey. That's why we spend a 1/2 a day on Pillar #4 at the Upside Summit so you can dive into what it looks like as a leader living your priority. When you don't choose wisely, you can waste your precious minutes on mundane activities and petty distractions. To invest your time and energy on what matters most, you've got to live what is important, not urgent. Too often, folks get sucked into things that are neither, like social media, multitasking, and watching videos, not because they don't understand what's urgent (time-sensitive) or important (of the greatest value). Where do you need direction on how to handle your to-do list differently? That's the value of the Eisenhower Matrix: 1. Urgent and important: FOCUS on getting these tasks done because they are time-sensitive. 2. Important, not urgent: SCHEDULE them today so that they have a spot on your calendar—don't put them off because they tie into your divine mission. 3. Urgent, not important: DELEGATE, outsource, or automate so that you aren't working on them. 4. Not important, not urgent: AVOID these tasks. Simply don’t do them. It's been 50+ years since this matrix was introduced, and these four principles are just as valuable today as they were back then. As you live your priority, you build a bridge from your divine mission to your daily actions. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to apply the Eisenhower Matrix to your to-do list. Make a full list of all the tasks, projects and commitments on your plate currently - both personal and professional. And then decide what will you choose to: - focus on, - schedule, - delegate, and - avoid this week? The goal is to ensure you are investing your precious time and energy into what truly advances your divine mission and priorities. Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance. Now more than ever.
By Lisa Marie Platske 27 May, 2024
It was 1981 and "Under Pressure" by Bowie and Queen climbed the charts. Maybe you weren't born, or maybe you remember the words; either way, the message still rings true. There are external pressures that influence your identity, your lifestyle, and your values. When you neglect to heed the tiny whispers of your soul, your inner guidance, what I feel is a nudge from God, you may find yourself disconnected from what matters most to you. It's like you forget who you are and do things solely because you feel it's what is expected of you: ~ By your family ~ By your friends ~ By the world This disconnection creates a sense of unhappiness, and most folks can't put their finger on why. It's a chronic ache that just won't go away. Freedom isn't a destination; it's a pathway. When you chase freedom, it will lead to unfulfillment. I'm practical and work with leaders who want to be productive - AND - integrated in their faith walk. That means spending time in the 'Messy Unknown.' Yet there is a way to reduce the internal pressure. When you tune into Divine wisdom, you align with the deepest part of your being. This connection to your vocation takes pressure off of you as you live your life with integrity. And this alignment allows you to cultivate a life filled with purpose, well-being, and joy and happiness. Yet how do you do this?!? When folks feel stagnant or dissatisfied with something in their life, I tell them the first place to begin is to practice the power of the pause - and just listen. While that sounds a bit weird, most folks are so busy they don't hear or see what's right in front of them. When you follow your internal compass, the destination is: 》health, 》happiness, 》success, and 》meaning ... ... and greater joy than you ever imagined. To further develop your ability to listen to this voice, get out in nature. That's one of the greatest benefits living on the farm has given me. And why I recently went on a retreat for myself. It's also why I offer 4 of these every year as part of the Upside Thinking programming and offerings. You just may be surprised by what you hear when you are quiet enough to actually listen. Remember, the World Needs You and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to get honest about where you feel misaligned. Where do you notice areas of dissonance or misalignment? (This is a great exercise for the workplace.) Are you taking actions at the cost of your own needs? Going through motions based on "shoulds"? Make note of those. Have an honest conversation with yourself or someone you trust about 1-2 of those misalignments and identify what you can do to live with greater integrity.
By Lisa Marie Platske 20 May, 2024
I'm not interested in "playing it safe." It's why I never liked someone asking me about my "realistic" goal(s). Comfort and realism, I've found, will never truly bring happiness. They might offer temporary solace, but in the long run, they can lead to a sense of stagnation. And it will have you fall asleep and miss your life. I've always believed that to truly thrive, one must be willing to embrace struggle and adventure. It's through facing challenges head-on, pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible, that we discover our true strength and depth. That's why I'm grateful for what I got being raised by a single mom who struggled because my daddy didn't take care of his financial responsibilities. She lived paycheck to paycheck, often struggling to make ends meet, wanting to give us the best life possible. You're never going to find meaning in your comfort zone. You need risk and pushing out your growth edges to engage the depths of your Soul. Research shows that the difficulty and seeming impossibility of our goals can actually increase our likelihood of achieving them. Think about it - no one talks about taking a leisurely stroll around the block every day. Instead, they proudly share stories of conquering ultramarathons or scaling the heights of Everest. It's the courageous goals, the ones that push us to our limits and beyond, that light our passion and drive. Risk stirs fear, frustration, doubt, and perhaps even discouragement. It is like a siren call to rise to the challenge before you, a challenge that will help you remember you can do hard things and you are capable of far more than we often give ourselves credit for. And in rising to meet the challenge, we not only prove our resilience but also discover a deeper understanding of our own capabilities. We all carry within us a narrative - stories of who we are, who we're not, what we can do, and what we can't. And every day presents an opportunity to reinvent ourselves, to push yourself to new heights every single day. So, I urge you - don't play life safe. Dare to dream big, to set courageous goals that scare and excite you in equal measure. It will lead you to new places, better ones even. Because comfort doesn't change the world. And the world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week to get clear on your own personal courageous goal that ignites your passion. Think about what it would mean to set a ‘summit’ goal for yourself in your life or in your work right now. Imagine an experience or achievement going significantly beyond the next level. Next, imagine a picture of what this would mean – what would achieving this goal look like, feel like, what would it mean to you and to those around you, and excite yourself about it. Make sure to share this goal with at least one or two people you trust to hold you accountable, whether it’s your significant other, a close friend, or a family member. Simply saying it out loud helps, and creates opportunities for you to gather insights from them as well. Remember, don't play life safe, because comfort doesn't change the world.
By Lisa Marie Platske 13 May, 2024
You have a Divine mission that is all yours – a unique purpose that is yours alone to fulfill. This mission is not something that can be stumbled upon by chance or achieved through mindless activity. It requires a laser-like focus, a willingness to channel every ounce of our time, energy, and resources toward what matters most. Yet today modern day conveniences have most folks fooled into thinking they are taking action, when really they're distracted doing lots of busy work that makes them feel a little like they are accomplishing stuff. They're really just circling around on a hamster wheel. I've been there. And I know that choosing where to invest your time, energy, and money require unwavering focus on what matters most. When we align ourselves with this Divine mission, something remarkable happens. We move with purpose and clarity, cutting through the noise and distractions that once held us back. ~ Your progress accelerates, ~ Your results compound. ~ Your success becomes inevitable. But how do we discover this mission? How do we gain the clarity and focus required to pursue it with dedication? The first step is to decide what you're truly willing to dive deeply for – what cause or passion ignites your soul and demands your full commitment. Once you've identified this, the path becomes clear: 1. Choice : Consciously choosing to prioritize your Divine mission above all else. 2. Direction : Charting a course that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations. 3. Commitment : Having a steadfast determination to see your mission through, no matter the obstacles. 4. Consistent action: Taking purposeful, focused steps every day, building momentum and compounding progress. Rinse and repeat, allowing this cycle to become your way of life, your guiding force. The best leaders get this. They understand that true greatness is not born from aimless activity but from a relentless pursuit of what matters most. If you find yourself feeling fuzzy or uncertain about your Divine mission, know that you are not alone. My door is always open to those seeking to discover their brilliance and make a lasting impact on the world. Remember the world needs you – your unique gifts, your passion, and your unwavering commitment to your Divine mission. The questions is, will you answer the call? ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to ruthlessly prioritize and align your time and energy towards your Divine mission. Start by asking what cause or passion ignites your soul and demands your full commitment. Next, make an audit on how you currently invest your time, money and energy. Identify which of these actively support and accelerate your divine mission and which are misaligned distractions circling the hamster wheel? Then, take steps to ruthlessly cut out or deprioritize anything not aligned with your mission. Double down your focus on the few core mission-critical areas. Remember true impact comes not from aimless activity, but ruthlessly devoting yourself to your unique world-shifting purpose.
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